4 min readAug 9, 2021


BNB Playground Gaming Fun

BNB Playground

BNB Playground is a website offering casino style games using a unique Fee to play system trading BNB for Playground Points. Just like when you would go to the arcade and you would decide how much you wanted to spend that visit on playing arcade games. You would go up to the counter, or a machine, and you would trade your cash for game tokens. Then you would use those tokens to play games and have fun. Then you would go to the counter, or machine, and trade them back, or use them at a later date. BNB playground uses a similar concept. When you go to BNB Playground you trade a minimum of 0.028187 BNB (or as much as you want) for BNB Playground points, then you can play cool online games to win big! Although there is always an element of risk when playing games for points, BNB Playground’s games are Provably fair and can be checked for fairness at any time. As a matter of fact, you can even change the randomness key at any time to fuel your confidence that BNB Playground’s games are always fair.

LEGAL? As of right now, BNB is not considered a legal form of currency and is therefore not regulated as such. Plus you are playing with Playground Points, not currency. And you are not being charged to place bets, you are participating in a ‘Fee To Play’ system that means you pay a set fee, or more depending on how much fun you want to have, to play, similar to an arcade, amusement park, or movie theater Entrance fee. So the answer is, There is no law in the USA that prohibits playing games with game points, BNB, or any other crypto currency for that matter. Some countries in the world have passed laws making the playing of casino style games with points, BNB, and other forms of crypto illegal, yet as of this writing, the USA has not. So in the USA playing casino style games with points is totally legal. Again, you are not betting with BNB, you are only trading BNB for Playground Points to pay a minimum Entrance fee. Paying the entrance fee of 0.028187 BNB gives you 1000 BNB Playground points plus a bonus of 60%, in Playground Points for every deposit made. So you can kick back, relax, and legally (in the USA) try your luck and win Big!

GAMES: BNB Playground is fairly new and (at the time of this writing) only has a handful of games, yet that is rapidly changing. What BNB Playground does have is both unique and fun. BNB Playground currently has BlackJack, Baccarat, Slots, Coin Flip, and (my favorite) cool graphical Horse racing. I can usually win at slot games and at BNB playground that is no exception, and I really like slot games, but I love the horse racing game at BNB Playground. I enjoy playing it by myself. When I am at a party I start playing the horse racing game with friends because up to 8 people can bet on a different horse, per race. It is really fun to play at parties. How does it work? You have 3 options to stake your points. The following types of bets are supported:

  • Win — you win if your horse wins the race.
  • Place — you win if your horse finishes first or second.
  • Show — you win if your horse finishes first, second or third.

Payouts are displayed to the right of the bet input field. They differ depending on which bet and horse you choose.

And the graphics are so cool! Check out the horse racing game at BNB Playground and you will see why it is my favorite (as of yet) BNB Playground game to play. If horse racing games are not your cup of tea I’m sure you will find something at BNB playground that you will enjoy. One person told me they really don’t enjoy casino style games but they love winning. I agree and that is why I spend a lot of time at BNB Playground. They have some of the loosest slots on the internet. I don’t know if it is because they are a new gaming site or they are doing that to attract new players, but for whatever reason, I am happy that BNB playgrounds payoff so good.

CASHOUT: BNB Playground has instant withdraw. Although the amount that can be withdrawn is limited per day, for now. I would imagine after BNB Playground has been around a while they will remove the daily withdraw limit. A Daily withdraw limit is common practice with most all online gaming sites. Plus I understand the rational behind such a limit. Since casino style games pay winners in accordance to how much they bet, it prevents a whale from trading 1000 BNB for Playground Points and winning millions of points and then cashing out all of a sudden taking everyone’s deposited BNB. How can BNB Playground have instant withdraw when most online casinos take days maybe weeks to cashout? Simply because BNB Playground uses the blockchain to store all deposited BNB to ensure that it is safe and secure. When, or if, you decide to cashout and trade your winnings, Playground Points, for BNB BNB Playground simply makes a transaction on the Binance Smartchain blockchain to retrieve your BNB and transfer it to you. You recieve your winnings just as fast as the blockchain can get them to you.

So head to and signup with no personal information and no email verification and enjoy anonymous, legal, fun BNB playground casino style games. No personal information is collected from you. Try your luck with slots, card games, coin flips, and horse racing, with many new games on the way very soon. Try your luck at BNB Playground and WIN BIG!

